Command Line Interface

$ peeringdb -h
usage: peeringdb [-h] [--version] [-C CONFIG_DIR] {sync,get,whois,config} ...

positional arguments:
    sync                Synchronize local tables to PeeringDB
    get                 Get a resource
    whois               Simulate a whois lookup supports as<ASN> : query by AS
                        ixlans<net id> : query networks on an IX
    config              Configuration management

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -C CONFIG_DIR, --config-dir CONFIG_DIR
                        Directory containing configuration files



config show

Outputs current config.

config set

Prompts user for input to configure local database.

With -n, writes a config file with all options and defaults to the config directory (changable with -C).

$ peeringdb -C ~/.new-config/ config set -n

config list-codecs

Lists available config codec formats.

get <obj><id>

Fetches a specific object and outputs to stdout.

You may use the CLI to dump any object in the database with , for example:

peeringdb get net1

By default, this produces a shallow output (depth = 0). Set the depth with --depth/-D:

peeringdb get net1 -D2

You may also change the output format to anything munge supports, so to get json, it would be:

peeringdb -O json get net1

whois <obj><id>

Fetches a specific object and outputs to stdout, supports everything that get does, as well as:

  • as<ASN> : query by AS
  • ixlans<net id> : query networks on an IX



This will delete data.

Drops all peeringdb tables.


Synchronizes PeeringDB to a local database.

After doing a full sync, it only updates objects that have changed.

By default, peeringdb will sync to a file in the config dir called peeringdb.sqlite3 - to change that, see configuration

Once the database is configured how you'd like it, you can do an initial sync of the database with

peeringdb sync

Then add a cron job to keep it in sync, for example, once a day at between midnight and midnight plus 10 minutes, with random sleep delay to prevent thundering herd:

crontab -l | { cat; echo "$(expr $RANDOM % 60) 0 * * * $(which peeringdb) sync > /dev/null 2>&1"; } | crontab -

Or, if your cron supports random:

crontab -l | { cat; echo "0 0 * * * sleep \$[RANDOM\%600] ; $(which peeringdb) sync > /dev/null 2>&1"; } | crontab -